Performance with Ambitious Youth Orchestra

As you might know since several years, I support various orchestra projects initiated by the music school in Hanover, Germany, by playing drum set and snare drum for classic tunes, film score and also modern stuff.
End of June, I performed with an ambitious orchestra led by Thomas Aßmus for a national-wide competition. The concert was arranged around the idea of a world’s fair introducing different countries and composers.
Moreover, the orchestra member nicely integrated video and multi-media in order to guide through the set list. I was part of a Jazz trio that accompanied the orchestra for a special highlight of the concert, a début performance of a piece of the composer Tatjana Prelevic. The concert originally should have been presented at the EXPO 2000 campus in Hanover – but due to structural issues the performance took place at a different location.
Happily, they received the 2nd place and a trophy money of 2000 Euro (Link in German press). As I have some pictures I’ll post them.